By Aaron Kromer

We are delighted to announce the release of our RadBeacon Director app for the Android mobile operating system.

With RadBeacon Director, any Bluetooth LE capable Android phone or tablet can be turned into a proximity beacon network monitor linked to your Director deployments.

RadBeacon Director is the beacon fleet management app for Radius Networks RadBeacon Bluetooth Smart proximity beacons. The RadBeacon Director app, working with the Director cloud service, enables you to:

  • Monitor the health and status of your beacons

  • Review the configuration of your beacons

  • Validate the proximity performance of your beacons

With the RadBeacon Director app, you’ve got beacon fleet management under control.

The Radius Networks team remains committed to building the features and services necessary to promote Android as a first-class citizen in the world of beacons and proximity services.

If you are new to proximity beacon network management head on over to Director to get started for free today!