Using beacons to promote safety of teen drivers by verifying driver identity and blocking mobile phone usage while driving.

Radius Networks has teamed up to with RoadPoints to extend their innovative solutions by providing a means for verifying driver identity and blocking mobile phone usage while driving.

RoadPoints provides an app that allows parents to monitor their teenage drivers and reward them for driving safely. It measures speed and speeding, braking and acceleration, and phone usage while driving. Based on these factors, the child receives a report card with an overall grade, determining their reward. For example, if mom selects the $50 rewards level and junior gets a B for the month, he earns $40, which is debited from her account and transferred to his automatically. With the help of Radius Networks’ beacon and proximity services team, RoadPoints has successfully integrated beacons into their solution to provide specific proximity-based information about the driver using the app.

“Beginning in May, we introduced the beacon as an add-on feature that pairs with the app and lets us know that the kid is in his own car and therefore is the driver,” said Michael Guthrie, CEO of RoadPoints. “Knowing that improves the accuracy of the grade, and it also allows us to block phone usage while driving.” “We are excited to be working with RoadPoints to enhance their already innovative mobile solution for incentivizing teen drivers to drive safely,” said Marc Wallace, CEO of Radius Networks. “We are confident that this new solution will improve the overall safety of teen drivers everywhere.”

RoadPoints strives to ensure teen-driving safety by incentivizing good driving behavior. RoadPoints provides an app that records data on speed and speeding, braking and acceleration, and phone usage while driving. Based on this information, parents receive a report card that includes information on the child’s overall grade and specific driving mistakes, and they set up a rewards plan by which the child can earn up to a certain amount of money. Ultimately, RoadPoints provides an innovative solution to promote driving safety.